Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dear 30 year Taylor

Now I know that I hardly ever write things on this blog. I mostly just like to post pictures. But today, I'm just to write a little blurb of something so one day when I'm a very old lady and the very concept of internet is outdated and ancient and I say things like, "I do declare!" I might get an urge to scroll through this while praying that my memory of my 22 year old self is not impeded by words written here.

I am thankful and usually giddy about my days. I'm living in Athens, Georgia finishing up my senior year of college at the University of preparation of my 5th year here. Hopefully, I remember how kind and generous my parents were with me when I have children that are just as reluctant to leave their universities.

I have found such joy and purpose here. Here is a blurb for my 30 year old future self.

Dear Taylor,
Remember, many days you did not want to go class and you particularly never wanted to do the reading beforehand. Studying and cramming the night before may have resulted in lower grades but it was so memorable. Some days, it is acceptable to wear yoga pants, sneakers, and a sweatshirt. Not every day day is designed for a skirt and blouse. Watch your words carefully. Once you say something, you can never truly take it back. Tell people how much you care about them. Write them letters. Stand up for them. Never let people doubt your feelings. If they don't believe that you care- you might as well not. Sometimes when you're so overwhelmed just listen to your favorite songs, do head stands, and eat an entire bag of candy. All the sugar will have you laughing in no time at all. Don't be afraid to change and try something do. You have a tendency to forget every couple of years but seriously, if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten. It's always easier to say I am sorry the same day. The longer you wait- the harder it gets. Set a goal for your day at the beginning of your day. Let your goals move you; not necessarily your emotions. They are frequently not reliable. Go with your gut. Don't let other people tell you what you think. Nothing in life is worth sacrificing your friends and family for. If something takes up so much time that you can no longer properly love that people the Lord placed in your day- give that up. You can only focus on what the Lord places in front of you each day. Be where your feet are. If someone or something is not present it allows you refocus your thoughts and goals. Pay attention. Be willing to let go easily. Trust that you will always have more than you need. It's cliche, but the people that are hardest to love are really the people that need it the most. Time is limited so never be selfish with your time; especially with your family and those in need. Keep your eyes open. Remember to read the bible because it is the living word of God. Books about the bible are not substitutes. If you're married and if you have children, make sure they never doubt that you would do anything for them. Most importantly, remember that Christ died for you. Remember the purpose of your life.