Sunday, June 21, 2009

I've come to realization that majority of all blogs created on blogspot/blogger are by people that are doing extremely interesting things with their lives. They've embarked on a new and exciting adventure, usually outside of this country. Regardless I still, perhaps naively, really enjoy my summer here in Athens, GA. Two classes is way more work than I imagined. I imagined that with only one class I would obsessively study and find myself idle far too often. I wanted to make sure my days were filled with "productiveness". CHEM and CBIO are together just rather daunting.

CBIO is actually extremely intriguing. The human body just blows me away. I look at science and I can't help but feel the assurance of my faith. I do not really understand those that insist on separating God from science. I think everything around me outside on a hot, summer day is testament in itself to the greatness of God. I've been learning a lot from conversations with different people. I'm blessed to listen.

My family and I are still spending every weekend working on my new "home". It's really coming along! I'm still without TV but I hardly notice. Luckily I'm able to get online from some of my neighbor's wireless. Perhaps going without Internet here for a month would have helped by studying and general time spent around.

I'm disappointed that I've yet to have much time to read anything for fun. I love reading book after book in the summer. Now I just spend my time staring at different organs of the body and chemical equations.

I am beyond thankful that I will never have to take another Math Class for as long as I live.

This really wasn't an interesting update. I had a lot to say when I started but I seem to have forgotten the majority of it.