Both of these strike at the heart of "Comparison is the thief of all joy".
1) Gossip. Gossip just cuts and divides us all quicker than swords. No one escapes it but everyone can choose to not partake in it. Gossip is a particular weakness of mine. I love to "be in the know" and hear everything about everyone else. In way, I think, I find it validating. I feel important because I know about the mishaps and mistakes of my friends and extended friend group and cover up my flaws with the knowledge of other's. Every time I give in and divulge an "ugly" thought about someone else I had or repeat a negative thought that shared with in....I have to think of and say three, sincere, kind things about that individual.
2) Facebook. I deactivated until Easter. I am hoping that this "disconnection" will enable me to cherish and value the people that are in my life on a daily basis and love them more. I also hope that I will spend the time I gain from not being on facebook on things that are productive and beneficial.