Thursday, February 9, 2012

letter of the day

Dear The Fray, I am rapidly falling in love with Scars and Stories. I love hearing the stories behind scar tissue. Dear Chick-Fil-A, BOGO with friends was so great today. Grilled chicken nuggets? You're speaking directly to my little gluten-free heart. Dear Bethany, Thank you for putting up with me while studying and allowing me to interrupt the silence every 10 minutes to share my sporadic thoughts and sentiments. Dear Sunrise, You were delightful this morning and a blessed start to a wonderful day. Dear Amazon Customer Service, My kindle is broken and has lines across the screen. You will be hearing from me tomorrow. Please be kind to me. I get attached to characters in the books I read. I'd like to once again be able to carry them around in my purse.

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