Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gluten-Free and Loving Every Minute of It

Just a heads up...a forewarning....I'm probably going to be blogging about gluten related issues a TON. and....I'm excited to do so!

Finding out about Celiacs and eliminating Gluten from my diet has absolutely turned my life upside down and inside out. It's incredible. I am so blessed to have this knowledge about myself and the power to make this change.

For years, my view of "normal" was completely skewed. I was always exhausted, overly emotional, extremely stressed,  and my body hurt. I had issues with my stomach since a very young age which I believed that due to being lactose intolerant. I felt similar to the way you feel when you stay up until four am studying for an exam....just as if my nerves were shot and I was barely making it through....and I was just so accustomed to this way of life that I adapted it to, made the best of it, and thought nothing of it.

It's almost as if I had no idea that things were so wrong until now when I'm starting to experience what life is like without these symptoms of celiacs.  Simply explained, celiacs is an autoimmune disease in which gluten attacks the intestinal villi. The villi are responsible for absorption of nutrients from all the food we eat. My dad was diagnosed with Celiacs a few years ago but I never noticed stomach pain after eating gluten and avoiding gluten was the absolute last dietary change I would ever want to make.

Long story short, I was blessed with finding out some amazing information about my body that has drastically changed my life. Every single morning I wake up and my body feels better than the day before. My head feels infinitely clearer. Last semester I had gotten to the point where I couldn't even remember the simplest things. Classes had started to become a serious struggle for me. I was embarrassed by my forgetfulness, my extreme tiredness, and overly emotional behavior! Now, I have more energy than I've ever had in my entire life. I can run without feeling dizzy and faint and stay focused and alert during all my classes. It's like a freedom that I've never experienced. It feels like "calm". That's the only way I really know how to explain it...just a really constant joyful calm.

I could go on and go and go about all the changes that I'm experiencing and how amazing they all are. I'm experiencing peace like I've never known it before. Everything in my body just feels so balanced. It's the most glorious feeling. Every day I feel more joyful and content than I ever imagined I could be.

Basically, this change is probably one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. It's just another testament to how Great is our Lord and how much He has blessed me with this knowledge.

So if you're interesting in trying out new gluten free recipes with me- I'd love that!

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