I also wanted to share a little bit of insight or wisdom that I've gained about studying during the past week
1) "Study parties" do not work. Nothing about getting together a group of people and making extremely sugary snacks leads to studying. This leads to chatting. excessive chatting.
2) Studying anywhere downtown. Even on a Sunday. It just doesn't work. This also just leads to lots of talking and running into people you haven't seen in a while.
3) Studying by the pool...in theory it is a wonderful idea. In reality, the sun makes it hard to see and it doesn't help when you start to drip sweat on your notes.
4) Studying in bed...in your pajamas...under the covers...with your head on the pillow...and one eye shut...this just leads to...well...you know...sleeping.
5)Studying during commercial breaks. Commercial breaks always end up being used for more important things, like bathroom breaks, trips to kitchen, calling your mom back after you denied her call, etc.
6)Studying a borders....eventually you just end up eavesdropping on other people's conversations
7) Studying on a laptop...that has wireless internet. The world wide web will always trump whatever else you're studying.
8) Gchatting about "school" and the "subject" this will last about 2 minutues...and then go in a completely different direction.
9) Studying in the SLC...why anyone ever thinks this is a good idea and why I even bothe I don't know...first of all- people are annoying there- they are burnt out and half of them just sit on a facebook the whole entire time anyways...so then I HAVE to count the number of people I find per floor on facebook...so time consuming but makes me feel way better about my life.
10) Studying in the car....yeah right.
11) Setting your alarm early to wake up study. Somehow waking up in the morning takes about 30 minutes to shift back into the right state of mind. I swear I'm possessed by some other Taylor that will gladly skip all classes, lie about being sick, loosing her car or keys, perhaps even a close call with death for a few minutes of extra sleep. I don't know this "taylor" but she makes me late all the time and convinces me that another whole point off my average for an absence isn't that big of a deal.
12)Coffee Shops- Loud music, lots of people...loud people...people that find themselves very interesting so they want to make sure everyone else picks up on this by drawing unnecessary attention to themselves...caffeine...tiny tables...wobbly chairs...guys who rock to the music that is so loud through their headphones that you can literally names each song. the dark brooding college guy in the corner that stares at you creepily.
Well looks like I learned a lot in Spring Semester 2010.