This morning possesses some sort of magical quality that makes me feel so at peace and just in love with my life. It's all dark and rainy outside, which one may expect to have to exact opposite effect, but rain always makes me feel lovely. I just made a mixed fruit smoothie. My calcium, zinc, and Mg supplements are all together in a liquid form- which I thought would taste horrible because the bottle recommended mixed it into a drink- but it has this wonderful coconut taste so every morning I feel like I'm having some tropical drink, sort of pina colada-ish.
Last night, I went to Relay for Life with one of my friends from high school. The Less was playing there. (One of my favorite bands) I must admit, I was quite disappointed. I so deeply desired for them to just play their whole album, Loud Machines, but they only played like 2 or 3 of their old songs and then just covers and some of their new unreleased stuff. But overall, I really enjoyed Relay! Round of applause to the exec. team!
Right now, it's starting to thunder outside. I'm not sure if that means I won't make it to Twilight, the annual bike race, but it almost makes me more excited about going. I love being outside in the rain. It's raining heavily right now.
I also rediscovered one of my favorite bands from high school, sequoyah prep school, and they have a ton of new songs on myspace. So, I made a myspace account! They're just been on repeat lately. I'll have to post some of their lyrics soon so you can see what I'm talking about - incredible.
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