I've been thinking a lot lately....how much I would like to have a very full address book. Complete with phone numbers. Yes, I realize I could easily do this on my computer and it would be much easier...and I've started. But, my cell phones often break and I loose all my numbers. This would be the 3rd time it has happened in college. Plus, I love to send letters and thank- you cards and I almost feel that if I have to call and ask for the address....it looses a certain element of surprise. I absolutely love it when I receive mail that I'm not expecting. Once I start looking for a letter I know is coming...I'm usually slightly disappointed. (Please, don't ever let this discourage you from writing me- I'm always ecstatic to receive mail! so slightly disappointed would fall under "overly joyful")
I'm looking for a red, leather address book. Preferably with "Address Book" written in gold letters on the front. J.Crew made one exactly like this at one point in time. Puh-please bring it back.
Also, a daily planner. I always buy one every single semester....but I end up not using it! I'm convinced if only I could find the perfect one- one so charming that I simply wanted to have it with me at all times and always be writing in it would do the job! Perhaps that would help me not mix up dates and times. It's quite embarrassing to show up somewhere on the wrong day or at the wrong time. Maybe one that zips up- not as cute- but things are always falling out of my notebooks!
One more thing, while I'm on this organize my life kick, a passport cover. I think red would be perfect. This isn't essential....but very cool.
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