Thursday, February 3, 2011

morning person?

I wish wish wish wish wish that I could be a morning person. I'm in love with the idea of being a morning person. I've tried scheduling 8am classes every day of the week....but that just makes me miserable and I miss out on the whole reason I want to be a morning person.

I've had a few mornings where I WAS a morning person. They are rare but so coveted.

When I wake up naturally it's one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. I seriously cannot explain how much I love it. It just makes me smile because I know that I can take my time and just drift in and out consciousness. I'm half awake and half still dreaming. Imagine getting to experience your dreams vividly. I'm able to sort of watch them like one would watch a movie but it's so interesting because the awake part of my brain is seeing myself from an outsider's point of view and the part of the me that's still dreaming is experiencing it. 

Next, there's the slowly getting out of bed. The putting of the slippers on. The morning smoothie or coffee.

The reading. That's my favorite. Where it's quiet time with Jesus or the next chapter of book. I love it. My mind is still experiencing that dream-like haze where my imagination is in overdrive. Books are just better in the morning. 

and I must confess. I dream about how special mornings will be one day. Mornings are when my dreams are bigger and my hopes are higher. They have some sort of whimsical quality. 

A silly criteria...but my future husband absolutely have to be a morning person. and somehow that will also make me into a morning person. You know, the type that just wakes up with a mentality that's ready to seize the day and take on the world. and somehow he'll have to make that rub off on me.  and one day! I will have these mornings that I dream of....even if only on Saturdays. 

Goodness gracious. I wish I was the type that woke up and literally couldn't wait to throw my running shoes on. I'm convinced having a dog to go running with would also aid in the conversion. 

But no, my subconsciousness will do ANYTHING to talk my responsibly half into staying in bed and skipping whatever morning commitments I have. Absolutely cannot stand this part of my brain. I might name it.

It needs a name. Here are it's characteristics.
 Selfish. Sleepy. Grouchy. Irritable. Conniving. Manipulative. 

Frankly, me and the rest of me are sick and tired of this one ridiculous portion of my mind that is so ridiculously controlling at 7:30 in the morning. 

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