Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today was my fourth Wednesday morning volunteering at the hospital...and the first morning that I didn't pass out or get helped into a chair. I had a heart warming experience with a four year old boy coming out of surgery. Absolutely broke my heart to have him crying and being afraid because he couldn't see.

Leaving the grocery story, I felt so convicted- There I was, face buried in a pint of coffee icecream that I couldn't wait to dive into so I was attempting to eat spoonless when I saw a man, clean cut and responsible looking, holding up a sign asking for help. It said he'd been convicted and had 2 children and needed help getting food. I haven't cried in literally months and something inside of me just twisted up and made my eyes tear up...because there I an suv loaded down with groceries, icecream dripping off my chin and drizzled down my shirt, thinking of all the things that I needed to be doing and the long day I had volunteering and babysitting and how late I'd be up studying...because I'm in college...and my parents pay for almost everything...and in reality I have NOTHING to be worried about. and there's this man, probably embarrassed as he can be, holding up a sign because he has no where to live and children to feed.

I wish I'd stopped. Or turned my car around and given him part of my groceries. But I didn't. I pitied him. I spent time thinking about him and his family and how I wish things were different...but I didn't actually do anything.

I felt the need to look up these verses to remind myself of what the Lord so clearly directs me to do.

Deut. 15:7. If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers, in any of the towns of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.

Luke 3:11. And [John the Baptist] would answer and say to them, "Let the man with two tunics share with him who has none, and let him who has food do likewise."

Mt. 5:42. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

What's even more amazing- I found these because I was googling- is the blessings that the Lord promises to those of us that serve the poor.

Prov. 22:9 He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.

Deut. 15:10. You shall give generously to [your poor brother], and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings.

Prov. 19:17. He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, and He will repay him for his good deed.

Luke 12:44. "Sell your possessions and give alms; make yourselves purses which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

^This one is my favorite. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 

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