Friday, July 2, 2010

Oh no : (

It's about 7 30pm here in Sevilla and I just walked in the door after all day tours and 2 stops on the way home for a drink and icecream...just about the only way to semi cool off here under the spanish sun....

and my house mom is rather upset with me. I thought Sarah explained to her (in spanish) last night that she would be at the beach today and I would be taking tours of the city with a small group so neither of us would be here for lunch but that I'd be back for dinner....

Well, the fact that I wouldn't be coming home for lunch wasn't made I just got scolded in spanish...and a 20 minute conversation of why I need to buy a phone and how to say in Spanish I'm not coming home for lunch or dinner. I tried to say "si si si" to just everything hoping that would appease her and I could get by and practically hide in my room...but no such luck...

I really don't want to buy a phone. Yes, they are expensive but that's completely beside the point. I love not having a phone. I love how simple things are without them. If someone isn't just wait. It is teaching me patience, forgiveness, and general understanding that life isn't supposed to be exactly what you want when you want it. I want to be able to give my word and say I'll be somewhere and then actually feel obligated to show up. To make plans and stick to them. To be able to commit to something. This sounds slightly over the top...but how often to we find ourselves canceling plans because something better comes along....we all hold out to commit to anything- even lunch!- because we can't make up our minds. When I was little I was taught that whatever birthday party invitation you receive first or rsvp to the one you go to! No exceptions. Under no circumstances could you possibly back out of a playdate or commitment because someone else invited you to something you thought was better.

I will be blogging about my day a little bit later tonight. I'm actually a little excited to share with you....because I just enjoyed it so much.

I think I'll be studying Spanish for the next hour or so....yesterday I went into 3 different banks trying to exchange american money for such luck...and today I was literally at the counter for 35 minutes because they didn't speak English and for some reason they needed my address? I was actually quite frightened of identity theft while I stood there and watched her look over my passport and student ID and then make phone calls and type on her computer.

I'm motivated because I'm so frustrated. and I'm also a little uncomfortable leaving my room right now. I need to make sure I can stay everything I can think of relating to meal time events before I exit my room.... :/

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