"I've been losing lots of keys lately,
I don't know what that means
But maybe I've been better off with things that can't be locked at all"
- Jack Johnson I don't know what that means
But maybe I've been better off with things that can't be locked at all"
It's silly to think how perfectly this song fits my predicament right now. I'm sitting here alone in my room in Sevilla, Spain, quite terrified to explain to my host mom that I lost my keys this morning. I just keep eating dark chocolate and reading Time's Arrow ( which I will comment on soon because it's quite intriguing and I would regard as brilliant) and attempting to focus on how this might be the best chocolate of my life. It's 70% cocca and without sugar. Meaning, yes, it is bitter and would tangibly encompass the definition of bittersweet perfectly.
Tomorrow I have to figure out how to get duplicates of my keys made. I'm hoping that I can get duplicates made and then only tell Angeles the day before I leave what happened. One of the keys says " DO NOT DUPLICATE". But it's in English.....so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that perhaps no one will know what that means. Highly unlikely. But whatever. A girl can hope.
I look back and I'm not sure how or why I believe Angeles was warm and enjoyed our company. Mother, if you're reading...I want you to know that I just thought that I loved you before....but now you just have no idea how much my love for you has grown. I'm sure you think that that alone makes this entire trip well worth the money. Your daughter finally grows up and realizes you're completely wonderful. I'm giggling because I know you'll laugh when you read this. I cannot wait to taste your cooking. I'm finally ready to learn to cook. I cannot bear more than 3 weeks more of frozen food dumped into a bucket of grease, fried to crisps, and dumped back onto my plate. I have taken pictures of most of my meals. I've also taken pictures of all the ways Sarah and I have devised to remove the food from our plates and relocate....to the trash. She also makes my clothes so starchy that they could stand up on their own. Which, of course, is not a big deal at all, but in the domestic department I would say her only skills reside in her ability to clean. Also, her ability to fuss at me about anything in my room being out of place.
I'm going to come home and scatter my clothes all about the room and just then lay down on top of them all and giggle and then just leave them there. For at least a few days. I will revel in the disarray and delight in the fact that no one will tell me in loud Spanish to " something something something la ropa". I haven't quite figured out what she says before 'la ropa'. The thing is...I'm rather tidy. I make an effort every morning to tidy up my room and make sure everything is put away before I leave.
I've made plans to go to Morocco this weekend. Should be enlightening and absolutely different from anything I'm used to. Perfect. I'm ready to go.
I'll get to ride a camel again. and this around...No hot pink shorts, SDad's sunglasses, velcro sandales, and Mom's visor. Don't believe I could ever commit such a fashion atrocity? Well you clearly don't know me that well so check out this glamor shot from Egypt.
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