Friday, June 25, 2010

june 24th- madrid

June 24th 2010- Midnight
    Safe, warm and dry in Madrid? Try safe, soaking wet, and shivering...but thrilled to be here. I boarded the plane yesterday evening after some interesting mishaps. My carefully bag was 20lbs overweight after adding all my books and bottles of vitamins. Luckily, I had left a duffle bag in the car just incase something went wrong with bags. Thank goodness or I would have been hit with a $150 fee for an overweight bag...verse the 55$ fee for an additional bag. That’s my first lesson learned with checking bags
Stand on the scale first and weight yourself then stand on the scale holding the bag. If you’re unable to do this because it’s too heavy and you half way fall might be too heavy
Pack an additional bag in the car just incase the lbs or LWH restrictions are exceeded.

Couldn’t sleep at all on the flight. Which lead to the nap that caused Sarah and I to miss the bus tour of Madrid. The flight was fine. I was able to study Spanish, watch a movie, play games, play one particularly intense game for exactly an hour and 45 minutes..., and eagerly await someone else aboard Delta 108 to log on for a chess challenge. No one was ever on..any of the games...not even trivia....

Made friends with a girl wearing the same shoes as me leaving the plane. We assumed we were on the same program since we were both looking for ISA people....turns out she was going to barcelona...disappointing but quite alright because I couldn’t really decide if I liked her much anyways.

Too my surprise, one of my bags smelled very strong of very sweet honey/flowers. I opened it up to switch all of the contents back to my one large bag when I discovered that my conditioner bottle had busted and the zip-loc bag it was in had large holes in it.... Thank goodness it was inside of another cosmetics bag.

I met my roommate, Sarah, in the airport along with a few others. Looking for lunch in Madrid was much the adventure. Turns out...Sarah and I went back to the same place for dinner. We were out running errands ( looking for a hair dryer and looking for food) when it started to pour. Think Athens in the Spring...the type of rain that almost breaks your umbrellas. The guys working there remembered us from the group earlier and we got to practice our Spanish on them. Turns out- they love trying to speak English. They invited us to go to the discoteca with them on Saturday night. Of course we agreed and of course we (absolutely) will not be going. We got slightly lost. So I “Donde esta el hotel (Insert our hotel name)?”-ed numerous passerby's. Only one sent us the wrong way.

*Internet is tough to come by- will upload pictures and videos from the Prado Museum and the Royal Palace soon.

Much Love,

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