Friday, April 2, 2010 is just easier when you have the right words.

(kwee'-dahm, kwid'-dahm ?) n. someone; an anonymous or unknown person [from Latin quidam "a certain thing, certain, one, somebody, something."]
xanthochroi(zan-thock'-roh-wee, zan-thock'-roy) white persons having light hair and fair skin. adj.& singular form: xanthochroid (zanth'-uh-kroid, zan-thock'-roid). adj. form: xanthochroic (zanth-oh-kroh'-ic). [from New Latin xanth- "yellow" + Greek ochroi from ochros "pale."]

eleemosynary(ell'-im-oss'-in-air-ee) adj. of, relating to, or supported by charity. [from Latin eleemosynaalms.] ontic(on'-tick) adj. of, relating to, or having real being
(bay'-thos) n. 1: in speech or writing, a ludicrous descent from the sublime to the commonplace; an anticlimax. 2: sentimentality, mawkishness.
(katz'-en-jam'-ur) n. 1: hangover. 2: distress; depression. 3: a discordant clamor. [from German katzen "cats" + jammer "distress".]
(ay-byool'-ee-uh) n. abnormal lack of ability to act or make decisions.
(plee'-oh-naz-um) n.1: redundance of words in speaking or writing; the use of more words than necessary in expressing ideas. 2: an instance of this. 3: the redundant word or expression.
(kak-uh-stock'-ruh-see) n. government by the worst people. [from Greek kakistos "worst," superlative of kakos "bad" + cratos "rule, sway, authority"].
(gal-li-maw'-free) n. a hodgepodge, jumble; a mixture of diverse things [From French galimafrée "a stew, hash, ragout," from galer "to make merry" + mafrer "to eat heartily."]

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