Friday, March 30, 2012

fun fun fun fun fun fun. the format fun.

Oh my goodness. I literally freaked out this morning when I found out that the lead singer and song writer for "Fun" is the same guy, Nate Ruess, from THE FORMAT. Needless to say, if you knew me in high school at all, you know I'm overjoyed. I've been blasting this one all afternoon.  Euphoric. It's like my heart is jumping up and down and shimmering all around.

Dear Arnold Palmers

Dear Arnold Palmers, My mom recently asked me why I have had over seven chick-fil-a charges in the past week on my card. You're just irresistible. Not to mention you're a staple of mine and Ava's friendship. Dear Arch training, you've been so much fun and I am just so excited about all of the new amazing people I've met. You're all remarkable. Dear coral lipstick, I am so thankful to slowly gaining my summer tan back and you're my favorite part of spring and summer. You really know how to make a girl feel beautiful. Dear Classic City, I am so excited about next year. Dear boys that yell out their windows when Ava and I run, We may roll our eyes and make faces like we're annoyed but know that we secretly we love it and it's actually quite motivating. Let's pretend like I'm not secretly flattered... Dear Mackenzie, you are just the best little sister. I am looking forward to our dinner tonight.  Dear roses on my kitchen table, you brighten my day every morning. I wish you wouldn't die. Or I wish you'd just be replaced every week ;) Dear Jesus, thank you for the strength to be vulnerable, fearless, and joyful. Dear Woodchuck Cider, if you're made from 100% granny smith apples, does that make you a fruit? I hope you're cool with me counting you as part of my daily fruit intake. Dear Nike Shorts, You guys are the best. I know people think you're overrated, don't listen to them. I love living in you. You're comfortable, flattering, and a strong advocate of a healthy lifestyle! Dear Athens Academy Community and Sixth Grade Class, You all are stellar. You almost made me cry with how much you love each other and how willing you all are to work together to make a difference in the life of one of your classmates. I consider myself truly blessed to have had the opportunity to help out with Be A Hero for Kajal. I will be keeping her in my prayers. Dear tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and every year afterwards, I am looking forward to you.

grace. growth. joy.

Ahhhh. Post-Spring Break is always one of my favorite times of the year.

Spring Break was wonderful. A lot of time traveling in the car with my mom. It was so sweet to spend so much time with her and learn so much from her wisdom. She's truly remarkable and understands so much about what it means to love others, to love Jesus, and to persevere.

I've spent the morning trying on dresses and shoes while watching Project Runway! I love having an early morning class and then a long break until an afternoon class. It gets me up and ready and then gives me time to come home and enjoy the rest of the morning and lunch time. The Regent's Gala is this weekend and I am so excited that I get to go! I'll be posting pictures of the black lace dress I'm wearing soon!

Last weekend was the Perfectly Polished Spring Formal.  I cannot time you all how much I secretly love wearing a big white dress, dancing all evening, and spending time with sweet little kids.

My internship with Eli Lilly is all final for the summer! I think I will celebrate soon by accepting my position with Lilly with a visit to the Lilly Pulitzer store! I'll be living in Athens too! :)

My parents have been discussing moving to Athens. Which makes me so excited. I have been pinning interiors for the past week on a new pinboard.