I used to think that our choice of words meant so much. I would search for the perfect prayer, the ideal way to express my heart. Singing in Spanish made me realize how little the correct choice of words matters...there, in a small outdoors church, the different between singing with my heart and singing with my mouth became apparent.
Monday through Thursday we all awoke at 6am- literally to roosters crowing- for devotional and hot chocolate or coffee. I was on the landscaping (flower planting) committee which I thoroughly enjoyed and felt extremely blessed to have. I was able to learn about gardening. My mother is an avid gardener and I wholeheartedly regret never taking the time to learn more from her while growing up. I usually simply picked, pulled, or planted what I was told- no questions asked. The quicker I completed my task the quicker I was free from garden work for the day.
One of my favorite memories from the week was the Vida Joven club performed for us by the Dominican leaders. It was absolutely hilarious.
Many girls showered in the river daily. For three days in a row they described the breath-taking beauty that accompanied the river. They spoke of the trip up the mountain with excitement that they could hardly contain. Finally, on the fourth day, I tried it out. I wish that I could say I developed a deep and newly founded love for "river showering" but I'm still extremely partial to hot, steamy showers. Plus, rocks got all inside my bathing suit. That was just unpleasant. I will remain a enthusiast for swimming in new waters....but strictly swimming...not bathing.
I also developed such a passion for learning Spanish. Speaking with natives is so drastically different than repeating after a professor inside the class room. The excitement of overcoming language barriers is thrilling.